Friday, July 30, 2010

how to Reduce Insomnia


Have you ever experienced the situation when you can not sleep regularly. Do not underestimate the problem, it could be your Insomnia disease.

Insomnia is a condition that makes people can not sleep well or often interpreted insomnia. Average people have experienced insomnia every once in their life.

Insomnia can affect all age groups. Nevertheless, the incidence of insomnia increases with age. This may be caused by the stress that often get attacked by older people. In addition, women more often said to suffer from insomnia than men.

Here are some tips Reducing Insomnia attacks.

1. Exercise regularly.

Some research says that regular exercise can help people experiencing problems with sleep. Exercise should be performed in the morning and not a few minutes before bedtime.

By exercising, you become a more optimal health so the body can fight stress that comes with better.

2. Avoid eating and drinking too much before bedtime.

Too much food will cause stomach discomfort, while drinking too much will cause your back often to urinate. Surely both these conditions will disturb your sleep kenyenyakan.

3. Sleep in a comfortable environment.

At bedtime, turn off the lights, turn off the sound menimbulan thing, make sure you are comfortable with the temperature of your sleeping room. Keep your clock from view because it can make you anxious because they can not sleep while increasing the clock late.

4. Reduce consume drinks that are stimulants or who makes you awake like tea, coffee. alcohol and cigarettes.

This drink will cause you which of course does not wake you need if you want to sleep.

5. Eat snacks that contain little carbohydrate at bedtime, when available, add a glass of warm milk.
6. Bathe with warm water 30 minutes or an hour before bedtime.

Warm water bath will cause sedation or stimulating effects of sleep. In addition, warm water baths are also reduces ketengangan body.

7. Use your bed for sleeping.

This will help your body adjust to the environment in which to sleep. When you lie in bed, it will arise stimulus for sleep.

8. Perform regular relaxation activities.

Listening to music, practicing breathing, meditation, and others will help slow down the process that occurs in the body so that your body becomes more relaxed. This situation will ease you to sleep.

9. Clear your mind.

Get rid of all your worries upon the mind. One way to do this is to write down all your thoughts through the media blogs.

10. Sleep and wake up in the regular time period every day.

Messed-up sleep time will disrupt your sleep time further.

Thus my tips, hopefully these tips can help friends - friends who have problems like the above. If the above tips still do not work too, I recommend it checked out to the experts.

Monday, July 26, 2010

How to perform a Good Sport


Sport is very recommend to support health in the human body. Because the sport is good blood circulation in the human body can flow smoothly. According to the health Paar, with a true sports man can slow the aging process, can ageless say only with sports.

Actually there are many more benefits of frequent exercise, but right now we're talking about the Good Sports mode. How does the way a good sport?

Many people often ask this, but the truth is that sport does not need the heavy - as heavy as 10 tons of heavy angakat sports, or sports run 1000 km hehehe lempoh later. A good sport it is a sport that can keep our body from excessive keleahan. The point is that according to the sports portion of the ability of our bodies, mislnya people who are recovering from illness, she does not need a heavy sports such as jogging or weight lifting exercise was, for someone who had been ill enough exercise healthy way. The important thing is we can move the body to burn calories in the body. Then for pregnant women, is also in order to oblige the exercise during the process of childbirth will be smooth and easy. But for pregnant women if the exercise should be accompanied by experts, such as gymnastics for pregnant women.

Whatever type of exercise we do, the most important thing is do not forget to warm up first in sports. Heating in sport is necessary, because in order to loosen muscles - muscles that are not cramps or sprains occur during sports. So do not ever pass up sports without warming will eventually occur if no cramps or sprained when doing sports.
Health info how to do such a good sport than me, hopefully the article above can be useful for those of you who enjoy sports. And do not forget to always take the time to do sports. But remember also need to exercise properly. Do not be a useful exercise to make your injuries even when doing sports, so do not forget to warm up before doing any exercise.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

how to care for your computer


Usually if someone has a computer that is often damaged, they always assume that they are ugly perengkat computer or berfikiran Hadware in their computer that cheap. I just do not recommend selalumenyalahkan your computer. Could be it is the fault of you who do not want to take care of that computer.

So from now on do not be negative berfikiran on your computer, start now get into the habit is to treat your computer like a pet anada or your valuables.

Okay, we return to How to Take Care of Computer Info. How do I take care of sich a computer? What is not hard? He answered, the computer is not difficult to care for our important work diligently and there is a will aja. And for How to Take Care of Computer may calm some people - ranging in doing so, but the same goal that is so that the computer does not cepet damaged. And for my own way how to care for your computer:

1. Spend at least three months to clean up such Hadware MatherBoard processor and power supply fan. Just who is in the PC. Do not be afraid to damage, if not falling not be destroyed anyway, should not simply brush off hadware dust - dust that contaminates such hadware.

2. Do not forget to install a good Antivirus for your computer.

3. Get used to scan the Flash Disk or hadware that can carry viruses on your computer.

4. Try for a minimum of three days of scanning your computer.

5. Use a stabilizer to keep your Power Supply if there is a fluctuation of voltage.